В отличие от иных творцов, Ефим Михайлович Шабшай работает по совершенно новой системе взаимодействия с публикой. Суть всех performances не просто в их успешном проведении и залпе аплодисментов, а в том, чтобы зритель действительно получил удовольствие от увиденного. Но, удовольствие, пожалуй, не самая первая забота творца… Как известно, гениальные люди, всегда отличаются творческим и индивидуальным подходом к тому, чем они занимаются. Ведь их род деятельности, то, что они делают, то, что они привносят в этот мир и есть они … «Театр Ефима Шабшай» разительно отличается не только по избранным тематикам представлений, но и по избранным методам коммуникации со зрителями. В театре достаточно давно культивировали привычку создавать общие посиделки, после проведенного спектакля, в уютной обстановке. Участие в обсуждениях принимают, как зрители. Так и сами актёры, главные герои пьесы. Плодотворное общение на дружеских тонах позволяет понять истинное отношение зрителя к просмотренной премьере. Поскольку все спектакли Ефима Михайловича уникальны и включают в себя театр символов, довольно непростой для понимания и глубоко затрагивающий подсознательное в психологии человеке, постоянная коммуникация и feedbacks театралов позволяют совершенствовать своё творчество. В тоже время и сами зрители могут стать ближе к искусству, пообщавшись с творцом лично! Именно подобная работа позволяет уникальным образом производить полноценный Upgrade мировоззрения! http://shabshai-theater.com
Полгода назад мне очень повезло, наткнулась на сайт Фатимы Евглевской: http://fatimagiya.ru/ . У меня были проблемы в личной жизни, поэтому я искала настоящего мага, но попадались одни шарлатаны, на деньги разводили, а работу не делали, а Фатима меня поразила точной диагностикой, она сказала все по картам ТАРО. Я ей поверила, и не зря, через пару недель работы моя личная жизнь обрела новые яркие краски, с любимым я помирилась, и мы уже три месяца не расстаемся... Это здорово!
The Sino-Global Discourse "The Growing Prominence of China on the World Stage: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations of China and Global Stakeholders" (Berlin, Held Parallel to the “Berlin Asia-Pacific Weeks” September 08th – 11th, 2011) http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cdea/i … rences_roc
The Sino-Global Discourse "The Growing Prominence of China on the World Stage: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations of China and Global Stakeholders" (Berlin, Held Parallel to the “Berlin Asia-Pacific Weeks”, September 08th – 11th, 2011) http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/cdea/i … rences_roc
The “Sino-Global Discourse" is an international conference held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in cooperation with other leading organizations. The objective of the conference is to examine the growing prominence of China on the world stage, the opportunities for global development that this presents, and how China can maintain its robust economic growth and social evolution to benefit the global environment. The 2011 conference will bring together renowned speakers from across the world for varied discourse, proceeding from the premise that China's future has the potential to result in a seismic shift in global politics.
The issues raised during the conference will be discussed from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives and academic backgrounds, examining the issues that are currently defining the internal and external development of China. Key historical relationships will be analyzed, new strategic partnerships considered, and experts will offer their views on what path China should follow on the international stage, highlighting areas of global agreement and areas where greater cooperation is needed. With the continued expansion of the Confucius institutes, China has embraced the fundamentals of cultural exchange, and is in fact setting a global example for the power of cultural dissemination. In practical terms, the application of cultural diplomacy and soft power as tools in international relations will be considered in detail.
Conference Speakers Speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, diplomacy, the private sector, and civil society from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
Conference Participants Application Form The conference is open to applications from young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world
***** The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin 2011 “Hard Vs. Soft Power in Global and National Politics: Innovative Concepts of Smart Power and Cultural Diplomacy in an Age of Interdependence, Digital Revolution, and Social Media” (Berlin, 11th - 15th May 2011)
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2011 “The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in a Changing World Order and Digital Revolution: Evaluating the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions” (Washington D.C., 18th-21st May 2011) __
Dear Friends & Colleagues,
On behalf of the ICD, I am writing to bring to your attention the next major programs hosted by the ICD in partnership with other leading organizations. We are currently accepting applications to attend these programs, and I encourage you to read through the information below and learn more about the programs and the subjects under discussions. I would also be grateful if you could share the announcement within your network and forward the information below on to anyone who you feel may be interested in attending. We would be delighted as well to having you involved and to welcome you to Berlin or to Washington D.C.
Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation and support in raising awareness of our upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send us an email to info@culturaldiplomacy.org indicating this.
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin 2011 “Hard Vs. Soft Power in Global and National Politics: Innovative Concepts of Smart Power and Cultural Diplomacy in an Age of Interdependence, Digital Revolution, and Social Media” (Berlin, 11th-15th May 2011) wwwicd-internationalsymposium.org; Symposium Speakers>>; Application Form >>
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2011 “The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in a Changing World Order and Digital Revolution: Evaluating the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions” (Washington, D.C., 18th-21st May 2011) wwwicd-international-symposium-usa.org; Symposium Speakers>>; Application Form>>
*********** (For the complete ICD Calendar click here) ***********
With warmest regards,
Mark Donfried Director & Founder Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus) Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719 Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680 wwwculturaldiplomacy.org info@culturaldiplomacy.org
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin 2011 “Hard Vs. Soft Power in Global and National Politics: Innovative Concepts of Smart Power and Cultural Diplomacy in an Age of Interdependence, Digital Revolution, and Social Media” (Berlin, 11th-15th May 2011) wwwicd-internationalsymposium.org
The 2011 conference will bring together renowned speakers from across the world to discuss how traditional concepts of power and influence are being redefined by globalization, the digital revolution and the emergence of social media. Held annually in Berlin, the program will consist of keynote speeches, lectures, panel discussions and social activities that will provide the audience with an opportunity to gain insights, reflect on, discuss and debate the salient issues.
Symposium Speakers>> Speakers during the Symposium will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click here
A Selection of the Conference Speakers includes:
Senator the Hon. Alan Ferguson - The 22nd President of the Australian Senate The Hon. Dr. Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador The Hon. Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali - Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan H.E. Amb. Delia Domingo-Albert - Former Foreign Minister of the Philippines The Hon. Dr. Erkki Tuomioja - Former Foreign Minister Finland The Ho. Dr. Herta Däubler-Gmelin - Former German Minister of Justice The Hon. Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland The Hon. Admiral James Milton Loy -Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security The Hon. Sir James R. Mancham - Former President of the Republic of Seychelles The Hon. Janez Jansa - Former Prime minister of Slovenia Dr. John Packer - Director, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex, UK The Hon. Lucinda Creighton - Minister of European Affairs of Ireland The Hon. Dr. Marc Verwilghen - Former Minister of Justice of Belgium Marcia Barrett - Lead Singer of Boney M Merethe Stagetorn - Defense Lawyer for the Danish Supreme Court The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security The Hon. Mirko Tomassoni - Former Head of State of San Marino Philip Dodd - Broadcaster, Writer and Curator, BBC, UK The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania The Hon. Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas The Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of Turkey
Symposium Participants>> The Symposium is open to applications from diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world.
Participant Papers>> The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought into the fields of culture, globalization, and international relations. In this regard, the ICD welcomes participants of the Symposium to submit papers on this subject. The papers can cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants can submit work that they have completed in the past for other purposes, ongoing research or a paper written specifically for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.
Sustainable Network>> Symposium participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world with different fields of interest and levels of experience, who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Online Network.
Certificate of Attendance All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by two members of the ICD's Advisory Board.
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2011 “The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in a Changing World Order and Digital Revolution: Evaluating the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions” (Washington, D.C., 18th-21st May 2011) wwwicd-international-symposium-usa.org
The 2011 conference will focus on the theme “The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in the New Global Community”. The theme was selected in recognition of two significant developments in the field of international relations. Firstly: The development of a new global community with new players, both at the sub-state and inter-state level, and new forms of influence and power. Secondly, the emergence of new, global challenges: The developments in the Arab World, Climate change disasters, financial instability, terrorism, and the prevention of health pandemics, are all areas of activity that require the community to build sustainable, multilateral approaches.
In recognition of these developments, there is a demonstrable need to analyze and reflect on the activity of the US and Europe within this new context, and in addressing these new challenges. The conference will therefore begin with an assessment of the new global community: How has it been formed, how does it operate, and what changes are we likely see in the future. Following this, the focus will move to a consideration of the key challenges facing the global community today, from climate change and natural disasters to cultural differences. Finally, the program will build on these discussions to reflect on the positions of the US and Europe in this changing international environment and: What do their international partners expect of the US and Europe, and how can they forge stronger relations with countries in all regions to ensure the cooperation necessary to tackle the challenges ahead?
Symposium Participants>> The Symposium is open to applications from diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world.
Symposium Speakers>> Speakers during the Symposium will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click here
A Selection of the Conference Speakers includes:
The Hon. Dr. Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador The Hon. Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali - Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan The Hon. Arne H. Carlson - Former Governor of Minnesota Lieutenant General Clarence McKnight - Former Director - Command, Control, and Communications, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, US H. E. Amb. Dr. Cynthia P. Schneider - 61st Ambassador of the US to the Netherlands H.E. Amb. Delia Domingo-Albert - Former Foreign Minister of the Philippines Rear Admiral Dr. Joyce M. Johnson – Vice President for Health Sciences of a not-for-profit research organization; Former Director of Health and Safety for the U.S. Coast Guard The Hon. Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland The Hon. Lieutenant General James B. Peake, M.D. - Former US Secretary of Veterans Affairs; Former Surgeon General of the US Army The Hon. Sir James R. Mancham - Former President of the Republic of Seychelles Dr. Karen Donfried – Former Vice President of the German Marshall Fund of the USA The Hon. Larry Lee Pressler - Former US Senator from South Dakota The Hon. Louis Sullivan, M.D - Former US Secretary of U.S of Health and Human Services The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security (Video Lecture) Dr. Miomir Zuzul - Former Foreign Minister of Croatia H. E. Amb. Paula Dobriansky - Former US Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs The Hon. Major General Robert L. Nabors - Former Commander of the 5th Signal Command (Manheim, Germany) The Hon. Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of Turkey
Participant Papers>> The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought into the fields of culture, globalization, and international relations. In this regard, the ICD welcomes participants of the Symposium to submit papers on this subject. The papers can cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants can submit work that they have completed in the past for other purposes, ongoing research or a paper written specifically for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.
Sustainable Network>> Symposium participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world with different fields of interest and levels of experience, who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Online Network.
Certificate of Attendance All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by two members of the ICD's Advisory Board.
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy wwwculturaldiplomacy.org
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability through strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction between individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.
ICD Calendar 2011>>
The UK Meets Germany – A Forum for Young Leaders (Berlin, April 26th – May 1st 2011) The British-German Conference 2011 (Berlin, 27th – 30th April 2011)
Previous Events Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – wwwbiec.de ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.
In January 2011 the ICD hosted "The Future of US Foreign Policy" (Washington DC, January 4th-6th), which hosted The Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Senator William Emerson Brock III - 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Admiral James Milton Loy - Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast Guard; Vivian Schiller - CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusettsand The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas.
In November 2010 the ICD hosted “A World without Walls: An International Conference on Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Globalization in an Interdependent World”, which marked the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (wwwworld-without-walls.org). Speakers in this event included Lord Anthony Giddens (Baron Giddens, of Southgate) - Professor Emeritus at the London School of Economics; Former Director of the London School of Economics; Janez Janša - Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; Joaquim Chissano - Former President of Mozambique; Former Chairperson of the African Union; and Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland.
In May 2010 the ICD hosted The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010 (wwwicd-interantionalsymposium.org ). Speakers in this event included Bertie Ahern - Former Prime minister of Ireland; Emil Constantinescu - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Romania; Sir Malcolm Rifkind - Former Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom; Kjell Magne Bondevik - Former Prime Minister of Norway; and Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Latvia.
For more information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here.
For any additional information please address any queries to info@culturaldiplomacy.org
With warm regards and gratitude,
Mark Donfried Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus) Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719 Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680 Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811 wwwculturaldiplomacy.org info@culturaldiplomacy.org
***** Nuestra America "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investmentin Latin America" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin)
Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America - A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA) "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, from 09th - 16th March 2011)
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the ICD, I am writing to bring to your attention the next two major programs hosted by the ICD in partnership with other leading organizations. We are currently accepting applications to attend these programs and I would therefore be grateful if you could share the announcement within your network and forward the information below on to anyone who you feel may be interested in attending. The programs are under the patronage of the Honorable Dr. Alfredo Palacio (Former President of Ecuador and member of the ICD Advisory Board):
Nuestra America "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin) wwwicd-cdla.org
Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America- A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA) "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, from 09th - 16th March 2011) wwwicd-cdla.org * Participants in the CDLA Weeklong Seminar will also take part in the International Conference: Nuestra America "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin)
We would also be delighted to have you involved and to welcome you to Berlin. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support in raising awareness of our upcoming event.
Mark Donfried General Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus) Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719 Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680 wwwculturaldiplomacy.org info@culturaldiplomacy.org
Program Agenda
Nuestra America "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin) wwwicd-cdla.org
The years 2009-2011 mark the two hundred year anniversaries of the beginning of many Latin American Independence movements. It was two centuries ago that Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Venezuela declared their independence. The years 1809-1811 therefore represent an important turning point in the history of Latin America, resulting in the emergence of new nation states and constituting the first step in the process of breaking from European colonial rule. The nature of this process remains an important talking point today.
As Latin American and the world celebrate these anniversaries, important questions remain as to how individual countries and the region as a whole should address challenges in the areas of poverty, development, security, public health, and national and international politics. Furthermore, current relations between Latin America, the USA and Europe, and the role that other regions and international stakeholders can play in supporting Latin America, remain fundamental issues to be clarified.
In ensuring stable economic and societal development, Latin American countries will rely heavily on their international images. A strong national brand will encourage tourism, investment, the immigration and retention of intellectual elites, and will enable a country to play more influential role in regional and global politics. Understanding and strengthening how their nation’s brand is understand, and can be shaped, is therefore one of the most important challenges facing governments, private companies, and civil societies in the region and abroad.
To enable academic analysis of the subject, and provide a platform for discussion on related fields, the ICD will host “Nuestra America” to explore the concept of nation branding and how Latin American governments, companies, and other stakeholders can engage with it.
Certificate of Attendance All conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by two members of the ICD’s Advisory Board. (The ICD Advisory Board list can be found here).
Speakers The speakers during the program will consist of experts and stakeholders in the Latin American Region from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, the private sector, and civil society, from Latin America and across the world.
Participants The conference is open to young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and political representatives, journalists, and civil society practitioners with an active interest in Latin America, from across the world.
Participant Papers The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought into the fields of culture, globalization and international relations. In this regard, the ICD welcomes participants of the Conference to submit papers on this subject. The papers can cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants can submit work that they have completed in the past for other purposes, ongoing research or a paper written specifically for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.
Sustainable Network Conference participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world with different fields of interest and levels of experience, who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Online Network. ____
Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America- A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA) "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, from 09th - 16th March 2011) wwwicd-cdla.org * Participants in the CDLA Weeklong Seminar will also take part in the International Conference: Nuestra America "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin)
Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA) is a network of young, influential people from across the world, who have an interest in Latin America and its role and responsibilities in the new world order. By promoting interdisciplinary discussion on salient economic, political, and cultural issues, the program activities work to improve dialogue and understanding within Latin America, and between Latin America and other regions.
Individuals can join the CDLA Forum by taking part in one of the CDLA Weeklong Seminars that are held in Berlin every 4 months, and are focused on a specific academic or political theme. These Weeklong Seminars include panel discussions, lectures, seminars, and workshops lead by experts from the fields of politics, academia, and civil society, as well as cultural and social activities across Berlin. In addition to raising awareness amongst the participants of the field of cultural diplomacy and salient issues concerning Latin America, the week also provides an opportunity to network and experience Berlin's remarkable history and contemporary cultural landscape.
Once they have joined the CDLA Forum, members are supported by the ICD in organizing leadership initiatives, conducting academic research, and are invited to join the ICD Online Forum - enabling them to share information and communicate with likeminded individuals across the world.
The program is open to applications from young professionals, students and scholars, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world.
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy wwwculturaldiplomacy.org
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability through strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction between individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.
Previous Events Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include "The Future of US Foreign Policy" (Washington DC, January 4th-6th – wwwicd-usforeignpolicy.org ). Speakers in this event included the Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Senator William Emerson Brock III - 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Admiral James Milton Loy - Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast Guard; Vivian Schiller - CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusetts and the Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas.
In November 2010 the ICD hosted “A World without Walls: An International Conference on Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Globalization in an Interdependent World”, which marked the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (wwwworld-without-walls.org). Speakers in this event included Lord Anthony Giddens (Baron Giddens, of Southgate) - Professor Emeritus at the London School of Economics; Former Director of the London School of Economics; Janez Janša - Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; Joaquim Chissano - Former President of Mozambique; Former Chairperson of the African Union; and Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland.
In May 2010 the ICD hosted The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010 (wwwicd-interantionalsymposium.org ). Speakers in this event included Bertie Ahern - Former Prime minister of Ireland; Emil Constantinescu - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Romania; Sir Malcolm Rifkind - Former Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom; Kjell Magne Bondevik - Former Prime Minister of Norway; and Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Latvia.
In February, 2010, the ICD hosted the Berlin International Economics Congress: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Roles of Global Politics & Civil Society in International Economics (wwwbiec.de).
For more information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here.
For any additional information please address any queries to cda@culturaldiplomacy.org
With warm regards and gratitude,
Mark Donfried Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus) Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719 Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680 Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811 wwwculturaldiplomacy.org info@culturaldiplomacy.org
The Berlin International Economics Congress: "An International Conference on the Future of Nation Branding, Tourism, and International Investments in a Globalized World" (March 9th - 12th 2011, Berlin, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin and in conjunction with the ICD conferences "Nuestra America" and "The Rise of Africa") wwwbiec.de
“The Berlin International Economics Congress 2011” is an international conference taking place over 4 days that will explore the future of Nation Branding, Tourism, and International Investment in a Globalized World. The program will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, interactive sessions and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from international economics & politics, academia, marketing, advertising, and civil society. Participants of the program will also have the opportunity to experience Berlin through a series of cultural and social activities.
Speakers for the conference include: •Dr. Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador; ICD Advisory Board Member •Baki Irmak - Director of Communications, DWS Investments, (Deutsche Bank Group) •Amb. Dan Mulhall - Ambassador of Ireland to Germany •Bendt Bendtsen - Former Danish Deputy Prime Minister, Former Danish Minister of Economic and Business Affairs; ICD Advisory Board Member (tbc) •Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim - Former Foreign Minister of Brazil •Dr. Erhard Busek - Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs; (tbc) •Filippe Savagado- Minister of Culture, Tourism and Communication of Burkina Faso •Dr. Gerassimos D. Arsenis- Former Minister of Economics of Greece, Former Minister of Education and Former Minister of Defense; (tbc) •Dr. Gerhard Prätorius - Head of Coordination CSR and Sustainability, Volkswagen AG (tbc) •Dr. Jacques F. Poos - Former Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Minister of Foreign Affairs (tbc) •Sir James R. Mancham - Former President of the Republic of Seychelles; ICD Advisory Board Member •Janez Jansa - Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; president of the Slovenian Democratic Party •Joy Wheeler- Ambassador of Jamaica to Germany •Kalonzo Musyoka - Vice President of Kenya •Kazenambo Kazenambo - Minister of Youth and Sports of Namibia (tbc) •Kintto Lucas Lopez - Deputy Foreign Minister of Ecuador •MONIE R. Captan - Former Foreign Minister of Liberia; President of Liberian Chamber of Commerce •Dr. Miomir Žužul - Former Foreign Minister of Croatia; President of Dubrovnik International University; ICD Advisory Board Member •Dr. Rick van der Ploeg - Professor of Economics, Oxford University; Former State Minister of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands; ICD Advisory Board Member (tbc) •Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria; ICD Advisory Board Member •Dr. Vasile Puşcaş - Former Romanian Minister for European Affairs; •Zeine Ould Zeidane - Former Prime Minister of Mauritania (tbc)
The Language of Art and Music: “An International Symposium on the Potential for Artistic Expression to Cross Cultural Barriers” (International Conference, Berlin, 17th - 20th February, 2011) wwwicd-languageofartandmusic.org
The use of culture and art to promote dialogue and understanding is a field that, though the subject of much scholarly attention, has had little impact on the behavior and activities of national governments and other stakeholders in international relations. Moreover, whilst there is a widespread agreement of the value of culture and art in raising awareness of cultural differences, there is less understanding of the potential for culture and art to offer a neutral platform for mutual cultural exchange, to transform cultural differences and unite people through emotions. "The Language of Art and Music" will work to bridge the gap between theory and practice by bringing together artists with academic experts from the field and key figures in international relations to discuss the importance of these artistic disciplines.
Speakers for the Conference include:
Professor Adam Chmielewski - Director of the Institution of Culture Wrocław 2016, Rector, Wrocław University (tbc) Dr. Anastasia Lazaridou - Deputy Director, Byzantine Museum, Athens Cecilie Broch Knudsen - Artist and rector of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts Costas Zapas - Film Director named by Cineuropa as “one of the most outstanding directors of auteur cinema.” (tbc) Dingeman Kuilman - Chairman of the Executive Board of ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Netherlands Elif Shafak - Award-winning writer in Turkey, Author of recent best-seller: “The Forty Rules of Love” (tbc) Erna Hennicot-Schoepges - European MP; Former Luxembourgian Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs (tbc) Franziska Nentwig - General Director of the Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin (tbc) Helena Bonham Carter - Actress. Starring in recent films: Terminator Salvation (2009) Alice in Wonderland (2010), The King's Speech (2010), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) (tbc) Ints Dalderis - Director of the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra; Former Minister for Culture of the Republic of Latvia (tbc) Jan Vogler - Renowned Violinist & Cellist John Holden - Visiting Professor at City University Former Head of Culture at Demos (tbc) Jytte Hilden - Former Minister of Culture of Denmark Amb. Karl-Erik Norrman - Former Swedish Ambassador; Secretary General of the European Cultural Parliament (tbc) Meenakshi Shedde - India Consultant to the Berlin; Locarno and Dubai Film Festivals; Winner of the National Film Award for Best Film Critic in 1999 Neil MacGregor OM - Art historian; Museum Director & Chairman of the 'World Collections Programme”; Former Director of the National Gallery in London; Former Director of the British Museum (tbc) Norman Foster - Baron Foster of Thames Bank, Architect; 2009 winner of the Prince of Asturias Award; Architect of any major international buildings such as the Reichstag restoration in Berlin, Germany, Millennium Bridge, London, United Kingdom (tbc) Professor Orhan Pamuk - Professor and Turkish American novelist; Winner of Nobel Prize in Literature 2006 (tbc) Paco de Lucia - Spanish Composer and Guitarist (tbc) The Honorable Dr. Rocco Buttiglione - Vice President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies; Former Italian Minster of Culture; Former Italian Minister of European Politics Spyros Mercouris - Co-founder of the political party PASOK & Honorary President of the Network of Cultural Capitals and Cultural Months of Europe, Professor Timothy Emlyn Jones - Dean, Burren College of Art, Newtown Castle Professor Tomur Atagok - Professor and Dean of the Art and Design Faculty in Yildiz University
ICD Calendar 2011 (More>):
Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders > (Berlin, 14-20 February, 2011) The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - February Session > (Berlin 17-23 February 2011)
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